Final Project
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Install Rails and Push to GitHub
Add Bootstrap 4 to Rails 6
Configure Travis CI with Rails and GitHub
Deploy a Rails 6 App to Heroku
Configure Rails Development Environment
Install and Configure Devise Locally: Part 1
Install and Configure Devise Locally: Part 2
Test User Model and User Flow
Configure SendGrid with Rails and Heroku
Install and Configure Honeybadger on Rails
Generate and Style Devise Views
Add Time Zone to User Registration Form
Test Updated User Flow and Set Application Time Zone
Add Navbar and Dynamic Page Titles
Style Flash Messages
Create Activity Model
Test Activity Model
Add Custom Validations to Activity Model
Change an Existing Column on Activity Model
Calculate Pace On Save
Create an Activity Through the UI
Add Remaining Fields to Activity Form and Render Form Errors
Calculate Duration On Save
Continue to Build Activity Form
Disable File Attachment in Trix Editor
Build Index Page and Add Ability to Destroy an Activity
Authorization with Pundit
Refactor How Duration is Calculated
Write System Tests for CRUD Operations on Activity Model
Style and Test Form Errors
Paginate Activities
Searching for Activities with Ransack
Search ActionText with Ransack and Style Search Form
Write System Test for Search Form
Finish Building and Testing Activity UI
Create Total Model
Reimagine Total Model
Add Uniqueness Scope to Totals Model
Calculate Weekly Mileage
Continue to Build Out Weekly Mileage Logic
Refactor How Weekly Mileage is Calculated
Finish Activity Model
Build UI To Display Weekly Mileage
Write System Test for Weekly Mileage UI
Create Shoe Model
Associate Shoes with Users, and Add Foreign Keys
Test Shoe Model
Calculate a Shoe's Mileage
Outline Notification System
Create Mailer to Notify User When Shoe Mileage is Reached
Build and Test Mailer
Build Interface for Creating a Shoe
Build Interface to Edit and Delete a Shoe
Build Shoes Index Page
Account for Case Where an Associated Shoe is Deleted
Allow a User to Select a Shoe When Creating an Activity
Fix a Bug in the Shoe Model
Authorize Shoes Controller
Outline How We can Create Shoes Through a Modal
Dynamically Set Shoe Select Option
Automatically Close Modal When Shoe is Created
Refactor Form Errors Partial and Fix Broken Activities Form
Render Form Errors on Shoe Form
Write System Test for Asynchronous Shoe Creation
Add Custom Scopes
Rename Column on Totals Table
Add SendGrid to Rails Credentials
Add Jumbotron to Homepage
Launch Application
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Add Remaining Fields to Activity Form and Render Form Errors
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